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Rules & Regulation


  1. Students must be present in the school before the assembly commences.
  2. All the students must be present in the school on the first and last day of the term.
  3. Regular attendance is very important to progress through the curriculum and children benefit from school programmes. Irregular attendance will be viewed seriously and may hinder your child's promotion to the next grade.
  4. Children will not be allowed to leave school early except in emergencies and with prior permission.
  5. Parents taking their ward out of the school building during the school hours must hand over the gate pass obtained at the reception to the gatekeeper/ guard.


  1. Students must carry their Almanac to school daily.
  2. The Report Card will be given twice/thrice in a year at the end of each term. Once returned to the school, the report card will not be given in between the terms, to the parents for any purpose. Students must get their report card signed by their parent/guardian and return it to their class teacher within three days after receipt, failing which a fine of Rs. 10/-per day will be charged.
  3. The name, class and section of the student must be clearly marked on all his/ her belongings.
  4. Parents/guardian, must not visit their wards or teachers in the classrooms. In case of an emergency, prior permission must be sought from the principal.


All our students are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times and at all places. Wholehearted cooperation from parents/guardians is essential in building the character of their child. As a student progresses from lower to higher classes, he/she is given ample opportunities to shift from externally imposed order to self-imposed discipline.

Students violating any of the following school norms would be liable for disciplinary action and reprimanded accordingly: -

  1. Repeated late coming.
  2. Repeatedly missing unit tests.
  3. Reporting to school in improper uniform.
  4. Coming to school without the Almanac.
  5. Casual, carefree and irregular submission of written work and projects.
  6. Use of unparliamentarily language and misbehavior in either the school premises or the school bus.
  7. Insolent behavior with either the teaching or non-teaching staff.
  8. Long absence from the school without any intimation.
  9. Skipping classes and activity periods.
  10. Use of unfair means/cheating during examinations.
  11. Damaging school property or littering the school premises (including school buses).
  12. Constant distractive behavior during classroom session.
  13. Carrying forbidden electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, i-pods, cameras etc. to the school.


  1. All students must come to school wearing the prescribed uniform.
  2. Students must always be neatly dressed without any fancy jewelry/accessories and should be habitually clean. The school will not be responsible for any loss or theft of personal items.


  1. Courtesy and respect must be the key aspects of student's behavior.
  2. Students are expected to greet all visitors and members of the staff with respect. Refined manners should distinguish every member of the school. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct.
  3. talking loudly during or in between periods must be avoided.
  4. Discipline must be maintained by all students while using the school bus. No form of willful damage and vandalism will be tolerated.
  5. The school is not responsible for any money or belongings lost in the school or school bus. Parents must not allow children to bring any valuables to the school.
  6. Bursting crackers or throwing colour on one another/or painting faces within the school premises is forbidden.
  7. The school reserves the right to suspend or to take strict disciplinary action against a student whose progress in studies is constantly unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
  8. Though adequate care is taken for the safety of the children by the teachers and the supporting staff, the school is not responsible for any accident, mishap of injury that may occur in or around the school premises.


  1. Care should be taken to keep the school clean at all times. Litter must be disposed of in the dust bins provided.
  2. Any willful damage to school building, furniture and fittings as well as seats and upholstery of buses will be viewed very seriously and the parents will be held responsible for losses.


  1. In all cases of absence the parent/guardian is expected to make an entry in the student's Almanac and submit an application as well.
  2. Long period of absence on medical grounds should be supported by a Medical Certificate along with Leave Application-including examination days/weekly days.
  3. Prior sanction should be sought from the Principal through a written application for any absence exceeding 3 days.
  4. Students suffering from contagious or infectious diseases must stay away from school till the quarantine period is completed. This should be clearly indicated on the Medical Certificate, where the doctor will certify that the child is 'fit' to join the school.
  5. Students who have been absent from school for one month or more, without prior permission, would have their names struck off the rolls and will be readmitted only after the payment of Re-Admission Fees.


One calendar months’ notice in writing (which should be received at the Counter of the School latest by 7th of the Calendar month) must be given by parents/guardians who wish to withdraw their children from the school, failing which one month's tuition fees will be charged in lieu of the notice period. Parents must also fill the withdrawal and exit forms to complete withdrawal formality. The Transfer Certificate, will be issued only after all school dues have been cleared.. Students attending school in the month of April must pay fees for May & June even if they decide to leave the school in mid-April or May.


Administration Office - by appointment only

Accounts Section - 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM

Primary Wing - by appointment only

Senior Wing - by appointment only

The Principal and Class Teachers may be visited by prior appointment only.


The academic year is divided into 2 terms for the Primary/Senior Wing:

First Term - April to September

Second Term - October to March


Art and craft, music, dance, dramatics, public speaking, tae-kwon-do, field trips and computer orientation will be made available to enrich our curriculum.


The school tries to provide transport to the students subject to availability of seats in the buses.


  1. All the students using the bus must be at the designated stop at least five minutes before the arrival time of the bus.
  2. The buses will not wait for late comers.
  3. The children must make a queue as soon as the bus arrives and board in a disciplined manner. The parents should help them in achieving this.
  4. No student should enter or get off the bus till it comes to a complete stop.
  5. The list of bus stops is made keeping in view the convenience & safety of all the bus commuters and absolutely no changes are to be made by parents on their own through attendants or bus-drivers. They should always consult the Transport-in charge/ Principal in this matter.
  6. Students will be held responsible for any damage caused to the bus by their negligence or unruly behavior. Courteous behavior is expected at all times. Shrieking, shouting, or changing places in the bus is strictly prohibited.
  7. The parents have to pay transport fees for the month just as the tuition-fees. They also must give one calendar months’ notice in writing if they wish to discontinue the bus service.
  8. The parents will have to pay the bus fees for eleven months in a year i.e. from April to May & July to March.
  9. While using the school's bus, if a child moves residence to an area which is not covered, the school cannot guarantee extending the bus service to that area. In such a case, the parents will have to make their own transport arrangement.
  10. Though adequate care is taken for the safety of the children, the school is not responsible for any accident, mishap or injury that may occur during travel.



Admission Open for 2024-25 Session